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An 'In Guns We Trust' shout-out in the trades

IN GUNS WE TRUST won't be released until Oct. 14 but it's already getting some attention from the book trade press.

Publishers Weekly, the biggest website and magazine devoted to books in the U.S., has an article out this week previewing some of 2025's most talked-about books focusing on the intersection of religion and social issues.

Figuring prominently in the PW piece is IN GUNS WE TRUST. It says:

Journalist William J. Kole, a former AP reporter and now an editor at Axios, sees no signs of repentance in those who fuse guns and gospel. With In Guns We Trust: The Unholy Trinity of White Evangelicals, Politics, and Firearms, coming from Broadleaf in October, Kole tries to square how white evangelicals carrying pistols zippered inside Bible carriers and rifles embellished with crosses “can still claim to follow the Prince of Peace who calls us to love our enemies,” says acquisitions editor Valerie Weaver-Zercher. Kole pushes for commonsense gun legislation by making “a political case and a religious case.”

You're going to want to read this book. Preorder here, here or here.


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